Compliance auditing of machinery according to P.D. 395/94

According to Greek legislation (P.D. 395/94) and European Directive (2009/104/EC) the user is obligated to ensure that the machinery is safe to operate by performing initial and periodic inspections and safety audits.
The initial and periodic inspections include the examination of existing documentation (instructions for use, drawings, calculations etc.), as well as the safe installation and operation of the machinery according to the manufacturer instructions and the Greek legislation.
Ergonomia’s Industrial Safety Department, is highly experienced in supporting the industry and ensuring the compliance with the legislations by:
- Identifying and assessing the risks according to international standards (EN ISO 12100)
- Proposing measures for risks reduction.
- Assessing the procedures and existence of all machinery’s required files
- Assessing the compliance of existing documentation
- Suggesting ergonomic interventions