Risk Management with BOW TIES

A Bow Tie diagram offers visualisation of hazards, threats, barriers and consequences in such a way as to facilitate workforce understanding of hazard management and their role in it. In this approach, hazard is represented by a top event (realization of hazard) which can be triggered by one or several threats and result to one or several consequences. The barriers are provided to protect the system from these threats or consequences.
During Bow Tie sessions, the risk analysis team of Ergonomia will cooperate with theresponsible personnel of the facility, guidethem through the Bow Tie method and suggest additional technical andorganizational barriers according to relevant standards and best practice in order to demonstrate that each risk is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
- Assurance that all hazards are identified, assessed and under control.
- Identification and evaluation of safety critical equipment and tasks.
- Overview of the safety management system and identification of possible revision requirements.
- Quick and easy risk based safety audits.
- Consistency with existing studies (HAZOP, HAZID, Occupational Risk Assessment etc.).
- Barrier quantification in the context of a diagrammatic LOPA study.
- Use of BowTieXP software by CGE Risk Management Solutions (member of partner network).